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June 2015

Tuesday 06/24/2015
Première Comic Book Trailer
MEDHELAN - The fabulous story of a land

Film and Editing: Raffaele Tamburri
Sound: Through the ice - False Awakening

THURSDAY, 06/04/2015 H 6.30 P.M.

MEDHELAN - The fabulous story of a land


Guests: Silvio Da Rù and Beniamino Delvecchio - authors of the graphic novel
Gian Luca Elasti - winner of MICC
Municipality of Milan - Assessor Chiara Bisconti
Metropolitan City of Milan - Councilor Anna Scavuzzo
Lombardy Region - Claudia Maria Terzi
Star Comics Publishing - Dott.ssa Claudia Bovini
Parco Nord Milano - President Giuseppe Manni and Director Riccardo Gini
Fondazione Milano Lingue - Director Prof. Pietro Schenone
Il Giorno - Valentina Bertuccio d'Angelo
Special guest Luca Mangoni (Elio e le Storie Tese)

Free entrance
Reservation: roberta.viscomi@medhelangraphicnovel.it
Official website: http://www.medhelangraphicnovel.it

MIC Museo Interattivo del Cinema
viale Fulvio Testi 121 - 20162 Milano
How to get there: line 31 or line 7 ATM - metro MM5 stop BICOCCA
Car parking in the surroundings.

April 2015


After scrutinizing the five shortlisted covers, the Jury of the MICC

Claudia Bovini (Star Comics Publishing) - President of the Jury
Tomaso Colombo (Parco Nord Milano) - Juror
Valentina Bertuccio D'Angelo (Il Giorno) - Juror
Silvio Da Rù and Beniamino Delvecchio (authors of MEDHELAN - The fabulous story of a land) - Jurors

elects "Horizon" by Gian Luca Elasti as winning cover of the contest unanimously.

Motivation of the Jury
In a simple and original way, the illustration by Elasti contains all the requisites required in the Contest Notice, succeeding in the hard task to conciliate three time dimensions - past, present and future - with balance, symmetry, technical mastery and effective use of the tonality. Ingeniously, Elasti focuses on the challenge of our present, opening the question if past and future will be able to meet in order to build a city conceived as a well-balanced organism. A present that also matches with the observer's point of view, who looks at a chance set in the horizon suggesting the meeting between Nature and Civilization as the sole answer.
In the center of the cover there's a man standing on the top of a hill. His clothes and helmet describe him as a Celt, the population which founded Medhelan, the ancient name for the city of Milan. Backward we glimpse the Big Forest and few ruins of the industrial age; big trees' roots and branches around him move further and frame the whole illustration, evoking a mother womb, the mysterious and beginning place from where life spreads. Therefore, the past is the place where he comes from, his story, which is also ours. The future is what he faces and that opens in front of him: a sustainable city preceded by cultivated fields, rows of trees and wide green areas that reminds of Parco Nord briefly and of Milan with its Castello Sforzesco, the Duomo-cathedral and the recent skyscrapers in the Garibaldi's area unequivocally. Thanks to rarefied tonality of the colors, this metropolis seems to be suspended in between vision and reality: it's the direction and the challenge to take now. A bird of prey flies towards the city at the horizon, almost an overlooking eye bridging the two worlds.

Versione Italiana        Webmaster: Roberta Viscomi      © Copyright Parco Nord Milano 2014      illustrations: Beniamino Delvecchio   English version