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The five shortlisted covers of the MEDHELAN - International Cover Contest (MICC) are:

1. POPLAR DUOMO by Julian Marco Peters (Canada)
"[...] ...this image of the "Poplar Duomo" recalls the forest, sacred to the Celts, on which Milan is built, and the linkages and disconnections between the modern-day city and its natural heritage".
Julian Marco Peters

2. THE BRIDGE by Federico Penco (Italy)
"[...] Metaphorically, the bridge wants to be a link among different ages and different worldviews. It connects the ancestral past to the present and looks forward to the future. The bridge is the thin thread that guides the history of Milan. [...]"
Federico Penco

3. PRESENT AND PAST by Antonio Abbate (Italy)
"[...] As in the graphic novel, we face many players belonging to different categories: from the boy of our days to the Celtic warrior, from the Roman knight to the animals of the forest. All witnesses in their own way of a city that changed and transformed from age to age. [...]"
Antonio Abbate

4. THE HISTRORY OF MILAN by Simone Stassano (Italy)
"[...] To represent the evolution of the city from age to age I opted for a montage of several historical elements around a human figure. The idea was to develop the composition through a circular system. [...] I also dealt with the other main theme, the nature, by inserting a large gnarled tree in the center of the cover behind the character, that creates a natural parallel to the historical development of the city thnaks to the extension of its branches in the space".
Simone Stassano

5. HORIZON by Gian Luca Elasti (Italy)
"Standing on a hill a man observes the view, the future. Cultivated fields, large parks, a city that opened to nature and that is rife with it, causing an unique and balanced body. Around him some trees rise above industrial and war ruins to become the symbol of the eternity of the nature, the Great Forest.[...]"
Gian Luca Elasti

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