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MEDHELAN - The fabulous story of a land is written by Silvio Da Rù and illustrated by Beniamino Delvecchio.

Silvio Da Rù
Actor, playwright, director, novelist. Graduated at the Drama Art Academy Paolo Grassi (Milan), from 1994 to 2008 he directed and performed several plays. In 2006 he wrote his first novel Il celebre ignoto (Il Filo Publishing). In 2009 he wrote, directed and played Scuola di Seduzione and Segreto di Stato. In 2010 he wrote his second novel Omicidio al Parco Nord (Il Filo Publishing). From 2009 to 2012 he was artistic director of Women in Art Festival. In 2012/13 he wrote his third novel Lectio Magistralis - Il caso di Anja Cosmo, finalist at Young Holden Prize (8th edition).

Beniamino Delvecchio
Graduated at Fine Arts Academy of Brera (Milan) with thesis upon comics, he had worked as professional illustrator and colorist since 1995. He illustrated Bad Moon (Xenia Publishing), Zona X (Sergio Bonelli Publishing), Lazarus Ledd (Star Comics) and from 1999 to 2005 he collaborated with Astorina to shade Diabolik. In 2008 he illustrated an issue of Sadik (written by Nino Cannata). In 2010 he restarted his collaboration with Star Comics, shading issues 3-4-5-6 of Pinkerton, issue 6 of The Secret and issue 4 of Nox, then he illustrated Dr. Morgue - volume #4 (India inks and pencils). In 2014 he is working for Sergio Bonelli Publishing as colorist for Color Tex series.

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